1. Will the interlocking tiles fade if used in an outdoor setting for 6 month?
Our SKE-Garage Tiles are not UV stable, if you used outdoor, please inform us before purchasing. We would produce your product according to your order .
2. Do garage tiles need underlayment to reduce sound and shifting?
All of our garage flooring can be installed directly on concrete, but the use of an underlayment can be used for both sound reduction and shifting.
Our hard plastic tiles in particular can be loud against the concrete floor, and many people prefer purchasing rubber underlayment
to reduce the noise.
If shifting does occur, rubber underlayment is often used prevent this.
3. Can garage tiles be power washed?
Garage tiles are super durable and can withstand the use of a power washer on them.
4.How do I replace a damaged garage tile?
New tiles can replace old tiles. We suggest you begin by lifting up each tile in a row or column until you are able to remove the damaged tile. Once replaced, simply lock each tile back into place. For PVC tiles, simply pull up the old tile and replace it with a new one.
5. Will my garage floor stain?
Street tar can cause staining to light colored tiles and in most instances this staining can be remedied with a cleaner called Purple Power. If you have performance tires, staining can occur with any color other than black.
White or light garage tiles can stain from street tar and performance tires. Because of this, many of our customer use a black parking area to avoid this issue.
6. Will our multifunctional floor tile can be use at the carwashing shop directly
Multifunctinonal floor tiles (18mm thickness) can be also used at carwash , it is suggested to dig narrow drains on the g round before laying. the width of the ditch is 5-15cm for the best. The depth of the ditch is determined by the actual situation. it is generally recommended that ditch should be able to connect the excavated drains with drain system